Interfaith relationships: Christians shouldn't marry Muslim , Muslims should marry Christians if they want

Pat Robertson appears on "The 700 Club" Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2011.
Pat Robertson 700 club

During the Q&A segment of the program, a man named Brad wrote in explaining that he had been in a relationship with a Muslim woman for three years and that they were planning to get married.
"No way! No way! She's going to want to do her Muslim thing and you're going to want to do your Christian thing. There will be constant struggle and strife. Walk away," said Robertson.
"In the Old Testament they were forbidden to intermarry with the heathen." he continues.

On the other hand Kamal Nawash, president of the Free Muslims Coalition, explains christian post as follows:
"While I am not a fan of Robertson, he cannot be blamed for his latest statement. He is merely preaching generally accepted Christian orthodoxy. Most religious leaders, of any faith, adopt the same rule as Robertson," said Nawash in an interview with The Christian Post.
Nawash explained that with Islamic practice there is some room allowed for interfaith marriages, but only between a Muslim and someone who is either Jewish or Christian. Further, most Muslims assume that only men can marry outside the religion.
"Textual Islam is unique among the Abrahamic faiths. It allows interfaith marriages and prohibits husbands from even asking their wives to convert to Islam," said Nawash.
"However, Muslims are not allowed to marry people outside of Christianity or Judaism. Meaning, Muslims cannot marry Hindus, Buddhists and the like. This is because Islam sees Christianity and Judaism as godly religions."

isn`t this confusing?


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