This is something I simply had to write about! These days walk-in-closets are very popular, and I'm not surprised! If you don't have one, do not despair! Enjoy your little fashion empire which you actually have! People who are not fashion lovers will never understand the fashionistas and their love for this space, right?
Ovo je tema o kojoj sam jednostavno morala pisati! Ovih dana vrlo su popularni walk-in ormari, što me zapravo ne iznenađuje! Ali ako ga nemate, nemojte očajavati već uživajte u malom modnom carstvu koje zapravo imate! Ljudi koji nisu ljubitelji mode nikada neće razumjeti fashioniste i njihovu ljubav za ovim prostorom, zar ne?
They don't  say in vain, "You are what you wear," perhaps many do not agree with this saying, but you have to admit that in your closet is clothes that your wear and in which you present yourself to others. I guess, that matters.
Unfortunately, I don't have mine, but I'm enjoying the space I have soooo much! :)
All in all, it's important to have fun and inspiration every time you look in your closet! Hope you'll like the photos! :)

Ne kaže se uzalud, "Ono si što nosiš", i možda se mnogi ne slažu s tim, ali morate priznati da je upravo u našim ormarima odjeća koju nosimo i kojom se svakodnevno predstavljamo ljudima. A to je važno! Sve u svemu, važno je da se zabavite, uživate i inspirirate svaki put kada pogledate u vlastiti ormaru!
Nadam se da ću jednoga dana imati walk-in, ali do tada uživam u svom prenatrpanom! Kiss svima.

P.S. Ovo je naš zadnji post u ovoj godini stoga svima želimo zahvaliti na podrški koju ste nam davali tijekom ove godine!
Sretna Nova Godina fashioniste!  Želimo vam sve najbolje u novoj!

P.S. This is our last post in this year so we both want to thank you all for support that you give us this year!
Wish you all the best in new 2012 year!

....stay fabulous!
Isn’t this adorable?

Never enough Louboutins!


Photos by: weheartit.com


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