Hediye 1: Simli Zara Çanta / GIVEAWAY!

İlk hediyem, son trendlerin sıkı takipçilerine özel! Işıl ışıl bir Zara çanta.. Beyler de sevgililerine veya eşlerine hediye edebilir :)

Kurallar burada yazılı. Lütfen katılım için yorumlarınızı bu postun altına bırakın!
Bol şans :)

Here is my Christmas giveaway, which is international. A glitter bag from Zara. I thought it can be the perfect gift for a shiny season of the year :)

Rules are following:

- You must follow my blog with Gfc, Yahoo or Twitter from "İzle" button on the left side.
- You should tell people about this giveaway on Facebook, Twitter and (if you have one) on your blog.
Please add the links in your comment and mention @edankb in your tweet..
- Anonymous comments aren't going to have a chance. Don't forget to add your e-mail adresses.

Deadline: 10 January
Good luck!


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