Hi fashionistas!
Hope you are all well!
I know we prelong with the last post, we are very sorry!
Hope you are all well!
I know we prelong with the last post, we are very sorry!
Finally I can show the photos from Zagreb Fashion Week, outfit that I wore the first day.
I kept it simple, choosing my favorite colors, black, white and beige. The whole look was inspired by England, English gentleman why I love this vintage bag and hat! I simply love when girls can play with fashion in the sense that they can steal dad or boyfriend something out of the closet. Isn’t that fun?
I hope you will like it!
Love you guys!
Love you guys!
Thanks to VIKTORIJA NOVAK for photos
Pozdrav fashioniste!
Nadam se sa ste svi super.
Znam da smo malo odužili sa zadnjim postom, jako nam je žao!
Znam da smo malo odužili sa zadnjim postom, jako nam je žao!
Konačno vam mogu pokazati slike sa Zagreb Fashion Weeka, outfit koji sam nosila prvi dan. Htjela sam da sve bude jednostavno, izabravši moje najdraže boje, crnu, bijelu i bež. Cijeli look bio je inspiriran Engleskom i engleskom gospodom zbog čega obožavam ovu vintage torbu i šeširić! Jednostavno volim kada se cure mogu igrati modom u tom smislu da mogu tati ili dečku ukrasti nešto iz ormara. zar nije to zabavno?
Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti!
Hvala VIKTORIJI NOVAK na fotkama!
The Croatian fashion site Fashion.hr took this photo for their Pret-a-city article!
Fotka sa Fashion.hr-a!
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