MILAN: dream for every fashionista

How are you fashionistas?
I hope you have a good time for the weekend! Mine was pretty exciting, because I spent a few days in Italy, Milan, actually
Milan is a city that has long stood on my MUST VISIT list, I can tell you that this is a dream for every fashionista. Really the fashion empire.

Kako ste fashioniste?
Nadam se da ste se dobro proveli za vikend! Moj je bio prilično uzbudljiv, pošto sam nekoliko dana provela i Italiji, zapravo Milanu.
Milano je grad koji se dugo nalazio na mojoj MUST VISIT listi, i mogu vam reći da je to san snova za svaku fashionistu. Zbilja pravo modno carstvo.
DSCN7569A perfect gift for Christmas! :) Tod’s.


Like London, the city seems a combination ultra modern, architecture and even the whole life style, and the old. The famous Duomo, the Gothic cathedral which is located in the center, is really spectacular and worth seeing. Next to it begin shopping streets that hardly anyone can resist. Including me! ^ ^

Kao i London, grad čini spoj ulta modernog, arhitekture pa i cijelog životnog stila, te starog.  Poznati Duomo, gotička katedrala koja se nalazi u samom centru, zbilja je spektakularna i vrijedna za posjetiti. Odmah uz nju počinju shopping ulice kojima rijetko tko može odoljeti. Uključujući i mene! ^^
DSCN7620Me freezing in Milan wearing my Zara faux fur! :)
The one that screams luxury is called the Via Monte Napoleone. There are located the most famous fashion brands ever: Gucci, Giorgio Armani, LV, Dior, Etro, Prada, YSL, Salvatore Ferragamo, Valentino, Giuseppe Zanotti, and so on.
Believe me, I was speechless, and if I could, I'd buy in every store something FABULOUS!
In Milan, there is even a newsstand just with fashion magazines! That’s a heaven for the girl who buys almost 10 magazines a month.
Ona koja vrišti luksuz zove se Via Monte Napoleone. Tamo su se smjestili najpoznatiji i najbolji modni brendovi ikad: Gucci, Giorgio Armani, LV, Dior, Etro, Prada, YSL, Salvatore Ferragamo, Valentino, Giuseppe Zanotti…nema kraja!
Vjerujete mi, ja sam zanijemila, i da sam mogla, kupila bih u svakoj nešto FABULOUS!
U Milanu čak postoji kiosk samo s modnim časopisima! Kao raj za mene koja ih kupujem gotovo 10-tak mjesečno!
DSCN7687Sergio Rossi
DSCN7713Gucci…so cool, isn’t it?
Prices are quite high, which is not surprising considering that the Italian standards are much higher than the Croatian. However, when you come to Italy you have to know you’ll spend some money! Not only because of the prices, but because of amazing offer that is not even close to our! You should see their Zara , wooow!
I loved the mentality of people. True, many don’t know English, but they are really nice and kind. And they all look fabulous!

Cijene su prilično visoke, čemu se nismo iznenadili s obzirom da je talijanski standard puno puno viši od hrvatskog. Ipak, kada dođete u Italiju morate znati da ćete potrošiti! Ne samo zbog cijena, nego i velike ponude koja nije ni približna našoj! trebate vidjeti tu Zaru, wooow!
Meni se posebno svidjelo mentalitet ljudi. Istina, mnogi ne znaju engleski, ali su zbilja jako ljubazni i dragi. Svi potpuno sređeni šeću ulicama, što je tamo normalno, a ne kao u Hrvatskoj gdje odmah počinju govorancije.
A touch of London in Milan!

Milan is a city full of fun, luxury and good food, how can anyone resist? Real fashionista certainly not!

Milano je grad prepun zabave, luksuza i dobre hrane, tko tome može odoljeti? Prava fashionista sigurno ne!

.... stay fabulous!

All photos by Antonia, Fashion Imperative


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