Renowned for more than 50 years for handcrafted eyewear, Ghetaldus launches a reissue of their iconic vintage sunglasses called Ghetaldus Vintage….

Mauro Massarotto and fashion designer Anamarija Brkic were responsible for creative leadership and redesign of sunglasses from the 1960's and 1980's. They infused a contemporary flair in the collection by ​​minimal but surely effective changes. Besides the models of glasses are very interesting, certainly timeless they got us drooling with relatively affordable prices. If you love vintage pieces you must visit the local shop on the Square, N.S. Zrinski  16.

S više od pedeset godina u izradi sunčanih naočala, Ghetaldus je predstavio reizdanje svojih kultnih modela sunčanih naočala pod nazivom Ghetaldus Vintage. Za kreativno vodstvo i redizajn sunčanih naočala iz 1960-tih i 1980-tih zasluženi su bili Mauro Massarotto te modna dizajnerica Anamarija Brkić koji su kolekciji dali osuvremenjen izgled minimalnim intervencijama. Osim što su modeli naočala jako zanimljivi, svakako bezvremenski osvojili su nas i relativno pristupačnim cijenama. Ako ste ljubitelj vintage komada svakako posjetite ovaj dućan na Trgu N.Š. Zrinskog 16.





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