FI Antonia (69)
Hi guys!
First of all I want to apologize for not posting for so long, I had some computer problems but also some college obligations. Now I'm back to normal, and it's finally time for an outfit post, right?
The main inspiration for this look was the pink hair, which is a great change if you want to spice up your style. This is a hair color that can be washed, and I actually tried it few weeks ago, but it turned out TERRIBLE. I hope it looks better this time. :)
Honestly, I love black and white combinations with pop of color or great accessories, so this outfit is similar, I really wanted to keep it simple and minimal.
P. S. We are expecting Dove Fashion.hr, one of the best fashion events in Croatia, I’m so excited! This time I have some looks in mind so you can expect more outfit posts!
Kiss :*
FI Antonia (19) 
Prije svega moram se ispričati zbog ne-postanja, imala sam neke kompjutorske probleme, ali i obveze na fakultetu. Sada se sve vratilo u normalnu, i da, konačno je došlo vrijeme i za outfit post, zar ne? :)
Ovoga puta, glavna inspiracija bila mi je roza kosa, koja je moram priznati odlična promjena ako želite malo začiniti svoj stil. Riječ je o boji koja se ispire, a prvi puta sam ju probala prije nekoliko tjedana, međutim pokušaj bojanja isključio vrhova završio je kao promašaj. Nadam se da je ovoga puta bolje. :)
Iskreno, već sam dugo vjerna crno-bijelim kombinacijama kojima volim dodati malo boja ili neki dobar accesories, a s ovim lookom nisam htjela previše komplicirati.
P.S. Bliži nam se Dove Fashion.hr, baš se veselim! Ovoga sam puta outfite osmislila na vrijeme tako da očekujte još outfit postova!
Do sljedećeg, pusa. :*
FI Antonia (28)
FI Antonia (12)
Graffiti with my name written correctly! Who would have guessed?
 FI Antonia (5)FI Antonia (6)FI Antonia (7)
Denim jacket: edc by Esprit/ Blouse: H&M/ Lace Shirt: DIY/ Pants: Guess/ Bag: Romwe/ Shoes: Zara/ Sunglasses: H&M
Photos by: FI


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