IFW Day 3

Üçüncü günde de Machka workshop'u hariç tüm defileler için oradaydım.
At the third day, I was there again for all the shows except machka workshop.

Ne giymişim? / What I wore?
Etek / Skirt: C&A
Şal / Scarf: Accessorize
Cuff: SIX
Ayakkabı / Shoes: Nursace

Eda Taşpınar'la / with Eda Taşpınar

 Bence günün en iyisi Studio Kaprol oldu..
Best of the day for me was Studio Kaprol..

 Tweetwall'da #StudioKaprol hastag'li tweetler yayınlandı!
Tweetwall idea was ingenius!

Ana Beatriz Barros:
İnanmayanlar resme tıklayın, alın size selülit.
If you don't believe click on the photo and see her cellulites.


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