FI celebrates its very first birthday!

We are so happy and grateful! We are happy that we made it so far, and that we have you fashionistas! We are happy that there are so many of you, and that you've decided to join us on our journey around the fashion world. We are grateful to those who have been with us since the very beginning, those who join us along the way and those yet to come! We are happy that you leave us nice comments, we looove to read them, every single of them! We are very pleased that we have met many wonderful people, our dear colleagues and fashionistas in Croatia. You guys are amazing!

Fashionistas, your comments, FB likes and all our followers are the best gift that we can get! So join us! Join us on FACEBOOKBLOGLOVIN, GFC!


We hope that you'll be with us this year too!
Love you ALL!

P.S. Fabulous birthday GIVEAWAY is coming soon! Stay tuned!

Mani & Antonia



FI slavi svoj prvi rođendan!

Tako smo sretni i zahvalni! Sretni smo što smo dogurali do prvog rođendana, i što imamo vas, dragi čitatelji. Sretni smo što vas svakim danom ima sve više i više  i što ste nam se odlučili pridružiti na našem putovanju oko modnog svijeta. Zahvalni smo onima koji su bili uz nas od samih početaka, onima koji su nam se pridružili i onima koji će nam se tek pridružiti! Sretni smo što nam ostavljate tako lijepe komentare i obožavamo ih čitati, baš svaki. Jako smo sretni što smo upoznali mnogo divnih ljudi, naše drage kolege i fashioniste u Hrvatskoj.
Fashioniste, vaši komentari, FB lajkovi i  vi naši followeri su najbolji poklon koji možemo dobiti!

Pridružite nam se na FACEBOOK-u, BLOGLOVIN-u i GFC-u!

Nadamo se da ćete biti uz nas i ove godine! Love you ALL.

P.S. Čeka vas jedan fabulous GIVEAWAY povodom rođendana! USKORO! :)



Photos by: wehearit.com, heathersanimations.com


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