When I saw them for the first time I thought to myself “These will be a huge hit“, and of course I was right…

All over the red carpets, big events, I would even say all over the world these shoes have been taking breath away from the millions of women. Different colors, different embellishments and 160mm of pure beauty and elegance probably got you drooling over them. Not only do you, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Ciara, to name a few, fel in love with them, too.

So fashionistas, which pair is your favorite?

….hugs and kises by Mani.


Kada sam ih vidio po prvi put pomislio sam “Ove će postati hit“ i naravno bio sam u pravu. Na svim red carpetima, važnim iventima, usudio bih se čak reći pcijelom svijetu ove su cipele oduzele dah milijunima žena. Različite boje, različiti ukrasi i 160mm čiste ljepote i elegancije vjerojatno su vas natjerale da slinite za njima. Niste jedine. Lady Gaga, Beyonce i Ciara također su se zaljubile u njih.

Dakle fashioniste, koji par je vaš favorit?


Ciara rockin’ these beauties


What would happen if Victoria and Kim didn’t have them?



Gaga had them custom made for multiple occasion


Beyonce has been spotted wearing them several times




DAFFODILE in my way


Photos by: newlouboutin.net; shoerazzi.com; christianlouboutin-elisa.com; louboutinsredshoes.com; salelouboutinuk.com; raindropsofsapphire.files.wordpress.com; upscalehype.com; louboutinshoestoreuk.com; houseofsonnie.files.wordpress.com; shoeslure.com; christian-louboutin-daffodile.com; azoutnet.com


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