MANI No. 2


In order to describe to you the project of designing my collection as realistically as I can I have to go back to the very beginning, the day when I was called and told that I had won…

The first thought that went through my head was, "What have I gotten myself into?" It is a great venture to make a collection and present it at a Fashion Week after just completing the first year of fashion design with zero experience in the making. All in all great work for one freshman. However, as the process started, I realized that I would have to learn fast, well extremely fast. Shortly after I started creating technical drawings, designing models even in details, including the make-up and hairstyle in order to better convey the idea and aesthetics of the collection. Meetings with factories, visiting fabric stores, shoe selection, and even ordering supplies from abroad that I was unable to find in Croatia followed. Often times even seamstresses would get angry with me because my choice of material was almost impossible to handle, however, we would always find some sort of common ground. When most of the material was ready, we started with the construction and manufacturing. Finally I was relieved and I realized that I am working on a quality collection, at least that I'll try to make it that way. Because of the holidays we decided to hold everything until September, by which time I managed to get most of the materials I was missing.

Da bih vam što vjerodostojnije opisao samu izradu kolekcije moram se vratiti na sam početak, tj. na dan kada su me nazvali i javili da sam pobijedio. Prva misao koja mi je proletjela kroz glavu bila je“U što sam se to uvalio?“ Veliki je pothvat prihvatiti se izrade kolekcije i prezentacije na fashion week-u nakon tek završene prve godine modnog dizajna i s nula posto iskustva u izradi. Sve u svemu ogroman posao za jednog brucoša. Međutim, kako je proces krenuo shvatio sam da ću morati učiti brzo i to ekstremno brzo. Nedugo nakon toga počeo sam s izradom tehničkih skica, osmišljavanjem modela i do najsitnijih detalja, uključujući make-up i frizuru kako bi što vjernije prenio ideju i estetiku kolekcije. Uslijedili su sastanci s tvornicama, obilasci dućana s materijalima, odabir cipela, pa čak i naručivanje pribora iz inozemstva koji nisam uspio pronaći u Hrvatskoj. Često puta su se i šilice ljutile na mene zbog odabira materijala gotovo nemogućih za oblikovanje odjevnih predmeta, međutim, uvijek smo pronašli nekakvo zajedničko rješenje. Kada je većina materijala bila spremna počeli smo s konstrukcijom i izradom. Konačno mi je laknulo i shvatio sam da radim kvalitetnu kolekciju, tj. da ću se potruditi da bude takva. Zbog godišnjih odmora pomaknuli smo izradu za rujan, a do tada sam uspio nabaviti većinu materijala koji su mi nedostajali.

ps. u sljedećem post slike s fittinga













Special thanks to: Sonja Jurak

Photos by: FI


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