MAC İstanbul Rehberi / MAC Istanbul Guide

Mac'ten bir İstanbul sürprizi var: İstanbul'un sanat, tasarım, müzik, güzellik, moda, tiyatro, kültür ve film rehberi. Hemen bakmak için... 
An Istanbul surprise from Mac: Istanbul guide for art, design, music, beauty, fashion, theatre, culture and film. To check it now...

Check out the trends pulsating beneath the surface of some of the  planet's most exciting cities. THE PLAYFUL, OVER LOADED GRAPHICS OF  ETERNAL CHILD ISTANBUL, TURKEY / FASHION Istanbul is where East and West collide, sheltering both the exotic and  the modern, the elaborate and the simple. So what's next for Istanbul? Find out now!

Bir tek İstanbul değil; Moskova, Münih, Santiago ve Seul da keşfedilmeyi bekliyor :)
Not only Istanbul; Moscow, Munich, Santiago and Seoul also wait for you to explore them :)


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