There is one word that perfectly describes the Milan Fashion Week: spectacle. A number of fabulous collections were presented in the Italian capital of fashion and most of them didn't disappoint us.
Of course, the selection was difficult and it was hard to leave out some of them, but still… there is only room for the best. Here are mine Best of Milan list!
P.S.  My dear, I'm very sorry for neglecting FASHION IMPERATIVE. Mani and I both have been very busy lately.  Hope you will forgive us. Love you guys!
First two photos are Gucci. Amazing show, isn't it?
Postoji jedna riječ koja savršeno opisuje milanski tjedan mode: spektakl. Niz nevjerojatnih kolekcija bile su predstavljena u talijanskoj prijestolnici mode i nismo ostali razočarani. Naravno, odabir je bio težak i bilo je zbilja teško neke izostaviti, ali ipak na vrhu ima mjesta samo za najbolje. Evo i moje Najbolje od Milana liste!
P.S. Dragi moji, jako mi je žao što smo malo zapostavili FASHION IMPERATIVE. Mani i ja smo bili jako zauzeti. Nadam se da će te nam oprostiti. Love you guys!


Cavalli showed us some excellent prints. I especially liked the gold accents wich look very luxurious, The looks with white blazers were fantastic. Fabulous job!
What do you think?
Cavalli nam je pokazao neke odlične printove. Posebno su mi se svidjeli zlatni detalji, djeluju jako luksuzno. Lookovi s bijelim blazerima su bili fantastični.
Što vi mislite?
Another phenomenal collection was minimalistic Ferre's. It maybe looks simple and plain but take a good look at shape, material and colors of these creations. Wonderful, is not it?
Još jedna fenomenalna kolekcija bila je minimalistička Ferrerova. Možda izgleda jednostavno i obično ali dobro pogledajte oblik, materijal i boje ovih kreacija. Prekrasno, zar ne?

It would be a crime not to mention Dolce & Gabbana! Well, they deserve it! They organize a really great show wich started with a fruit-vegetable story and was sophisticated lace creations on the end. Flower pieces were awesome!
Bio bi zločin ne spomenuti Dolce&Gabbanu! Pa, zaslužili su! Priredili su nam zbilja odličan show počevši sam voćno-povrtnom pričom koja je čiji su vrhunac bile sofisticirane kreacije od čipke. Cvjetni komadi su bili odlični! Prosudite sami!
I guess Gucci can't go wrong! They added a pop of color with green and prints but kept it simple with black and gold creations aand gold details. Very sexy and very sophisticated, collection screams luxury!
Mislim da Gucci ne može pogriješiti! Dodali su malo boje sa zelenom i printovima ali su ostali jednostavni sa crno bijelim kreacijama i zlatnim detaljima. Vrlo sexy, vrlo sofisticirano! Kolekcija vrišti luksuz!
This collection can not leave you indifferent! They have it all: floral print, gold, yellow, prints, lace, fringe! Everything was perfectly connected and stylized to the last detail. Loving the jewlery, and you guys?
What do you think?
Ova kolekcija vas ne može ostaviti ravnodušnima! Imaju sve: cvjetni uzorak, zlatno, žuto, printovi, čipka, resice. Sve je bilo savršeno povezani i stilizirano do posljednjih detalja. Sviđa mi se nakit, vama?
Što mislite o kolekciji?
Last, but not least on my Best of Milan list is Versace. It's interesting how Donatella can create very sexy collection with sea prints and soft colors! As with most designers, gold and white are an important part of the collection. All in all, fabulous show!
Zadnja, ali ne najmanje važna kolekcija na Najbolje od Milana listi je Versace. Zanimljivo je kako Donatella može stvoriti izuzetno sexy kolekciju sa morskim printovima i nježnim bojama. Kao i kod većine dizajnera, zlatna i bijela su bili važan dio kolekcije. Sve u svemu, fabulous show!
Lovely Elena from Ask Elena a while ago gave us the Sunshine Award. Thank you so much girl! We are sorry for not mentioning it sooner.
Draga Elena s bloga Ask Elena nedavno nam je dala Sunshine nagradu. Žao nam je što ju nismo spomenuli ranije.

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